Welcome to Oatside Store. Our website temporarily only serves delivery for Java and Bali.

Privacy and Cookies

Privacy Policy

OATSIDE PRIVATE LIMITED is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to this Site. We collect personal information to provide you with a more enjoyable, personal and convenient shopping experience.

Use of this Site indicates that you agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use this Site. This Privacy Policy does not apply to websites we link to.

When you submit information to us, register as a customer on our Site, visit our Site or follow us on social media, you agree and authorize OATSIDE PRIVATE LIMITED, including its related companies, business units, parents and subsidiaries (collectively, as a "Group") to use your personal information.

The collection of customer information by OATSIDE PRIVATE LIMITED is necessary for the continued operation of our business. We will not share or disclose your information to anyone except approved third party vendors (“Approved Third Party Vendors”) employed for specific functions, including but not limited to order fulfillment, shipping, postal mail, email, payment processing , loyalty programs and more. These vendors have access to your personal information, but may not use it for purposes other than their designated functions.

We may use your personal information to support and improve your use of the Site, including but not limited to: providing customer service; send you marketing materials via Electronic Direct Mailer and Direct